General Rules

1. Silence is to be strictly observed in the Information Resource Centre
2. Usage of mobile phones is not permitted inside the Information Resource Centre
3. Users are not permitted to bring their bags into the Library. They may be deposited at the Information Resource Centre property counter
4. Smoking, eating, sleeping and talking loudly are strictly prohibited in the Information Resource Centre
5. Documents taken out of the shelves must be left on the table. Replacing the documents on shelves by users is not encouraged as the documents may get misplaced
6. Users shall not damage any book, furniture and other equipment belonging to the Information Resource Centre
7. Book(s) will be lent to user only for a period of One Month.
8. All books must be returned on or before the due date
9. Damaged books shall not be accepted and it has to be replaced
10.Members must replace the book if lost, with the latest edition
12.Library materials on loan to one person may not be transferred to another. The person in whose name the loan is made is solely responsible for the safekeeping and due return of items loaned

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